Basic tapping procedure
Based on clinical tapping process commonly used in research
Before you tap, it is your responsibility to read and agree with the disclaimer and to take full responsibility for you own well being in what ever ways are necessary for you.
How to begin
Pick a problem
The problem may be a food craving, an unwelcome emotion such as grief, despair, anger, resentment, a physical pain, a fear or phobia about something like public speaking or heights, a lack of confidence in beginning something or in finishing something, the inability to move forward on a project, the inability to accept yourself, or feeling unable to send and accept self compassion from yourself or others, feeling of having to do things perfectly in certain areas of life. These are a few examples that may trigger some idea for what you would like to focus on.
Next Steps
identify your feelings associated with the problem
Take a moment to feel what you are feeling. It often helps to take two or three slow deep breaths to signal to your body that you want to slow down. After taking a few slow, deep breaths, say the problem out loud or in your head while sensing what feelings well up in you. What ever comes into your mind, accept it. And begin there. Do you feel angry, disappointed, hurt, confused, jealous, embarrassed, ashamed, guilty? Something else?
Maybe you don’t feel anything. That’s ok. You can begin to address the problem without being aware of what you feel. Say the problem out loud and notice how distressful the problem feels to you. Give it a number from 1 to 10, 1 being very little distress and 10 being the worst distress you can imagine. When you tap, pay attention to any feelings that might bubble up in you. This is important information. Many people find writing quick notes helps them to remember and stay focused.
If you are able to identify a feeling, give it a number from 1 to 10 to acknowledge the strength of the feeling. 1 is barely there, 10 is the strongest feeling you can imagine.
Begin to tap
Begin tapping on the Side of the Hand (SOH) and repeat out loud:
Even though I have (Name the Problem), I accept myself just as I am.
Even though I have (Name the Problem), I love and accept myself just as I am.
Even though I have (Name the Problem), I love and accept myself as I am.
Then tap on the other energy points as you talk about the problem. The sample here is generic to get you started. As you practice you will begin to use your own words and thoughts as you speak out loud and continue tapping.
Tap on the following energy points while describing the problem out loud:
Beginning of Eyebrows (EB) - “This problem of …”
Side of Eyes (SE) - “This problem of …”
Under the Eyes (UE) - “This problem really bothers me.”
Under the Nose (UN) - “This problem of … really bothers me.”
Chin (CH) - “This problem of…”
Collar Bone (CB) - “I’ve dealt with this problem for (state the amount of time, days, months, years?)”
Under the Arm (UA) - “Sometimes it feels like this problem will always be a part of me.”
Top of the Head (TH) - “This problem of …”
Take two to three slow deep breaths in and out. Notice how you feel physically and emotionally. Do you feel the same as when you started? Do you feel better? Worse? This is important information. Some people like to make notes of changes.
Are you now aware of feelings that you didn’t notice before? Ask yourself what you are feeling and pause for a moment to sense what that feeling is.
Have the feelings you had prior to tapping change in anyway? More or less intense? Stayed the same? Has the feeling you started with changed into a different feeling? Sometimes a person may begin feeling sad and the sadness turns to anger. This is information that will inform your continued tapping.
At this time you will continue with a general tapping script below. If you want to change the words to make it more specific for yourself feel free to do so. The more specific you become with your words about yourself the more effective tapping can be. Name the exact problem. Name the feelings. The following is a guide. Make it real for yourself. Some people let the words flow spontaneously as they are tapping. Some people like to write their thoughts down first and refer to them as they are tapping. This is a very general and generic script to get you started.
EB - “This problem, I feel is so …”
SE - “This problem of … interferes with my life.”
UE - “I feel … by this problem.”
UN - “This feeling of …”
CH - “All of this feeling related to this problem.”
CB - “I will never be free of this problem.”
UA - “These feelings I have are just who I am.”
TH - “I can’t let go of these feelings or this problem.”
Continue tapping and talking
EB - “This feeling and problem can’t let go of me.”
SE - “I can’t let go of it.”
UE - “It can’t let go of me.”
UN - “I have felt this way for so long.”
CH - “What if there is a chance I could feel differently?”
CB - “What if there is a chance I could feel just a little better?”
UA - “What if there is a chance that I can feel better about this?”
TH - “What if there is a chance of feeling better?”
Take a deep breath in, then slowly let it out. Do this again. Now check in with your body. Notice if anything has changed when you think of your problem. Do you feel more or less distressed? The same. What number rating do you give it on the 1 to 10 scale?
Notice your feeling around this problem. Is it the same feeling? If it is, how would you rate the intensity on the 1 to 10 scale? Notice if it’s changed from where you began.
You have done well to get this far. You are taking action and trying something you were not familiar with, you have a curiosity and desire to feel better and you are willing to take the risk of trying something new. That is the type of work that changes how people live life. Below is one more round of general tapping.
EB - “Maybe there is a chance of feeling better.”
SE - “I am willing to take a chance at feeling better from this problem…”
UE - “It is safe for me to feel better.”
UN - “It is right for me to feel better.”
CH - “I choose to allow myself to feel better.”
CB - “I choose to feel my very best.”
UA - “It is possible to feel better about this problem.”
TH - “It is possible to feel better.”
EB - “It is not possible to feel better.”
SE - “It is possible to feel better.”
UE - “It is not possible for me to feel better.”
UN - “It is possible for me to feel better.”
CH - “This feeling better can’t happen for me.”
CB - “This feeling better is happening for me.”
UA - “I am allowed to feel better.”
TH - “I chose to allow my body and mind to feel better and better from this minute forward.”
Take a deep breath in and slowly release it. Do it again.
Rest and quietly check inside your mind and body. Notice what has changed. How does your body feel? How does your mind feel? Rate the intensity of the problem. Rate the intensity of the feeling. Any change can be an indication of your readiness for healing. Continue to do this work, as you practice you will find yourself tapping daily, addressing the frequent stresses of life. Some people do best tapping in the morning, some in the evening and some do both. Find what fits your life, your style.
Tapping with a practitioner
Many people elect to work with a practitioner for long standing or difficult entrenched problems. A practitioner can accompany and guide you as you do your work. A practitioner can also point out blind spots which often act as protectors to keep us from making unfamiliar change. You are always in charge of the pace of exploring and the direction tapping takes. If you have a question about how to tap or would like to contact me about working together, please complete the form below. I look forward to connecting with you.